⭐️ Cancellation/Late Policy: In the event that you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please give 24 hrs advance notice to your therapist. Failure to do so prevents their ability to fill your spot, and will result in immediate payment request for 50% of scheduled service amount. If you do not show up for your scheduled appointment, or communicate your need to cancel, you will be charged 100% of the scheduled service amount.
⭐️Treatment of minors: Minors must have written consent for treatment by a parent or legal guardian, and in many cases, the adult may be asked to accompany their child during therapy sessions.
⭐️Disclaimer: These therapies are not to replace medical care you are seeking.
⭐️Spa & Waiting Room Etiquette: Often times our healing center has several treatments going on at once. We ask that you refrain from using your cell phone, allowing it to ring, or speaking in loud tones during your visit. Please also use awareness when closing doors, as we strive to create a sanctuary for all guests.
⭐️HIPPA: We follow all guidelines and ethical practices of valuing and respecting our clients privacy.
⭐️Protection Practices: Public safety is of great importance to us here. Rest assured that all sufaces, linens, and even the air- is sanitized to the highest standards. Please do your part by arriving freshly showered and with no symptoms of illness.
Please contact me to ask questions or schedule a service. I'll be happy to assist you!
P.s. Texting is the fastest way to reach me.